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Web applications

2 applications on React. This is the main Website for clients and Admin-Panel for administrators. This is pure React with a Kotlin Multiplatform JS module that connects to the project and helps to write less code. Father-in-law, you work with sites as with a regular React project, with a nuance in the form of a KM module that is connected to package.json.


I replaced package.json with package.conf. This allows you to split the file into several and describe the dependencies. Everyone knows that you can't leave a comment in json. Install the hocon-parser application, which will turn it into a package.json when you run

Install hocon-parser
npm install -g @pushcorn/hocon-parser

And so we need to include the module and turn package.conf into package.json. There is an script at the root of the project for these things.


SHARED=$(ls ../shared*)

parse-hocon package.conf > package.json

npm install "$SHARED"

To run a React app from Android Studio, add Shell script to your build configuration. We need to deliver the shared module to the React project. That it was updated, a timestamp was added to the name when it was assembled.

Command for build
find ../ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.tgz" -delete && mv ../../../shared/build/packages/shared* ../ && ./ && npm run start

And to build the KM module on startup, add 2 Gradle commands: clean and packJsPackage


You can watch the build process on YouTube